Plans in Pennsylvania
Best Practices: Energy & Climate Action Plans
On this page find examples of state, county and municipal plans that put in writing the goals, strategies and actions that each entity plans to use as a playbook for reducing our carbon footprints - for municipal operations and the community it serves.
This is a living list. As we learn about more plans they will be added to this list.
Contact info@pacleanenergy.com with suggestions.
Pennsylvania's latest Climate Action Plan was released in September, 2021 by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
From the PA CAP Introduction: "This 2021 Climate Action Plan presents GHG reduction strategies that could realize the [Wolf 2019] executive order’s emission reduction goals. It also maps out strategies for adapting to the impacts of climate change, based on the 2021 Pennsylvania Climate Impacts Assessment"
Find the 2021 PA Climate Action Plan and Summary Booklet at: https://www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/climate